Rob Erickson has played a big part in the live’s of any student involved in activities or sports as the activities director.
For years he has been the unseen taking care of scheduling, venues, coaches, and a hundred others things. No matter how big or small, he supports, plans, orders, schedules and keeps all teams and groups safe and in a Braves way.
Erickson was recently honored for one aspect of his work supporting high school theater when he was named Wyoming Theater Administrator of the Year. Erickson was awarded the honor during the Wyoming High School State Thespian Festival in Laramie on Dec 5-7.
As far as getting the award, Erickson was unaware that he had even been nominated. “I was actually surprised by the award. I didn’t know that Tami Nielsen, our drama coach and musical director, had nominated me.”
Like many who keep things running around the school, Erickson’s efforts often go unrecognized, but they certainly do not go unappreciated.While Erickson was surprised to receive the award, no one the theater department was. Assistant musical director Gina Fullmer said, “Rob helps us get everything we need and supports us in all we do. He treats us no differently than he does the sports programs, and we have always appreciated his help.”
In all that he does for the school this award recognizes only a small part of what he does for scores of programs and hundreds of students.