Dragging herself out of bed she thinks its just an hour and she will be on the bus where she slips into her own world.
Cold air whips her mind awake when she realizes she’s at the place she hates the most. Getting taught things you will probably never use in the real world, getting scolded for using the bathroom or passing periods to find an escape from overwhelming anxiety of learning something completely new but having five minutes for the assignment.
As she walks in the flow of students, the hall seems to know the heaviness on her mind of what’s to come.
Finding X and Y always seemed hard, but staying focused on the monotone teachers voice seemed twenty times harder. Watching clocks seem to make them stop or even move backwards. Finally the bell rings.
The next two hours are the same. Doing the bare minimum seems like the hardest task.
And then Lunch.
Finally she can get a break, but she realizes between waiting in line and finding a seat she has ten minutes to breath. As the clock ticks she feels suffocated while education creeps back in
Autopilot takes over and she can’t even remember the rest of the day. The bus ride home is quiet in her own world.
Home feels like relief until she remembers the six assignments she didn’t finish within the five minutes she had. Two hours pass before she’s done, partly because she had to look up on Youtube how to do the curriculum to finally understand.
Eating dinner is quick because she doesn’t know what she learned at school today. The weight of talking seems more than she can handle.
Going to bed feels like heaven till the thought creeps back in that tomorrow will be just the same.