Each year students look forward to the many school dances that take place, especially the Sweethearts dance in February around Valentines day. Like all big dances at SVHS, day dates are part of the tradition and always lots of fun. Date groups wemt snowmobiling, sledding, skiing, and other various winter activities durning the day, then went to the dance at night.

Treble Tones hosted the dance on Feb 8th to help fundraise. “When we were selling tickets for the dance, we were raising money to go on our competition trip in Salt Lake,” explained junior Kesslie Turner.
The tickets cost $15 for a single and $20 for a couple, pretty cheap compared to other dances. “I felt like past tickets were a little expensive, and personally I don’t think tickets should cost more than around $15, so these prices were a nice change,” said junior Jason McGrath.