What is your favorite holiday?
My favorite holiday is Christmas because all my family is together, and I get free stuff.
Why is it your favorite holiday?
I love spending time with my family, and receiving gifts makes it even more enjoyable.
What do you like to do on that holiday?
I like to make food, play with my family, and eat.
What is your least favorite holiday and why?
My least favorite holiday is St. Patrick’s Day because I don’t see the point of it, and no one really celebrates it.

What is your favorite holiday?
My favorite holiday is Easter because there’s no gift-giving, and it’s a day to celebrate family and Christ.
Why is it your favorite holiday?
I enjoy Easter because it focuses on togetherness and faith rather than material things.
What do you like to do on that holiday?
I like to go to my grandparents’ house for Easter brunch and then come home to spend time with my family.
What is your least favorite holiday and why?
My least favorite holiday is Valentine’s Day because it feels meaningless to me. I don’t think love needs a specific day to be shown, and the history behind Valentine’s Day is gory and misogynistic.