The dress code at SVHS has been a hot topic for years. Many students have tried to fight it or petitioned for a change. Even though the rules seem strict, they could be worse. Lots of schools in America have to wear uniforms or aren’t allowed to wear certain item of clothing, like sweatpants.
Uniforms in schools are thought to lead to better attendance and to have a direct correlation with behavioral issues. Some may argue that they do help, but the Nation Library of Medicine studies have proven this wrong. The write, “In general, students in schools that required school uniforms did not demonstrate better social skills, internalizing and externalizing behavior, or school attendance as compared with students in schools without school uniforms.” Uniforms not only don’t have an impact on performance in school, but they restrict students creativity.
Scrolling on your phone, you might see videos of teenagers showing their outfits at school. At some schools students are allowed to show their midriffs and wear tank tops, other schools do not allow students to wear anything other than dress pants and jeans. So that brings up the question, is our dress code as bad as it seems? “I think our dress code is kinda pointless. Kids here know what the boundaries are and they don’t really enforce it anyway. Plus, when it is enforced, it feels targeted, so why have it if it’s only going to apply to certain people?” said sophomore Maddie Aullman.
At SVHS our dress code entails the following: shorts, dress, and shirts should reach mid thigh; shirts that show excessive midriff are not allowed; hats and having a hood up is not allowed; and costumes of any kind are not allowed.
Ultimately, the dress code could be worse. Many students would say that the dress code isn’t bad at all and some female students think the only thing they would change is being able to show their stomachs. Junior Kesslie Turner said, “I like it because you can still wear what you want but it has the basic expectations.”