Being an Italian exchange student in Wyoming is an experience that immediately opened my eyes to a very different world from the one I was used to. from the first days I noticed differences in lifestyle, human relationships and traditions.
The first thing that struck me upon arriving in Wyoming was the cold. I have never experienced such a harsh winter as here! In Italy, winter temperatures are quite mild, but in Wyoming the frost is intense and the snow never stops falling. I had to adapt to dressing in layers, with heavy jackets, gloves and scarves, something that had never been necessary in Italy. This got me thinking about how climate can really affect a person’s daily life.
Another big difference concerns the local culture. In Italy, we are very close to family and spend a lot of time together, even outside the home. Here in Wyoming, I have noticed that people tend to have a more independent lifestyle, especially young people. Sometimes it seems to me that the inhabitants of this area are more used to dealing with natural isolation, while in Italy we are more focused on cities and urban socialization. We try to find meaningful moments to spend together, especially during meals.
Food is another aspect that deeply surprised me. In Italy, each dish tells a tradition, and is a real moment of socialization. Here, in Wyoming, I found that the cuisine is much simpler and more direct, people take and eat when they want, they don’t have the culture of ”eating together”. Meat (especially cow and pork) is very present in the daily diet, just as snacks cannot be missing. One of the things that struck me most were the “gravy”, thick sauces that accompany many dishes, delicious on puree. The ingredients are different from the Italian ones: the use of corn and potatoes is much more frequent, and the cheeses are also different, often saltier and a thicker consistency. Pizza, which in Italy is a real art, here is much higher quality, often with more toppings, and the concept of “fast food” is prevalent. The culinary experience here made me understand how tastes can vary depending on culture, but it also made me appreciate Italian cuisine even more, although I must say that my host mom doesn’t cook badly at all!

Another aspect that surprised me is the school system. In Italy, school is very demanding, with often stressful workloads and a schedule that forces you to concentrate on many subjects in a short time and does not allow you to have free time. Here in Wyoming, school seems a lot less stressful to me. The days are less hectic and the teachers try to involve us in practical and interactive activities. The subjects are more oriented towards everyday life and less theoretical. There is also much more interaction in the classroom: lessons are often lighter and based on watching films and group work, rather than on questions or written assignments. I found that, despite being less intense than Italian school, this method allows you to learn in a more fun and stimulating way, without the constant pressure that often characterizes the Italian education system.
The exchange experience represents a unique and transformative journey, not only from a cultural but also a personal point of view. Surely when I return home I will bring back many memories that I will never forget. I am grateful for this experience and can’t wait to create more memories