Going into high school can be stressful and scary for freshmen with lots of new classes, people, and activities to adjust to. They don’t know everyone and schoolwork is a lot more important and demanding. New freshmen can feel overwhelmed if they don’t know where they are going or what they are doing. However, seniors have been through all four years and gained lots of experiences. Here are some senior tips for navigating high school to freshmen.
You can stay caught up and have more fun by turning in assignments on time. You can always ask for help from teachers and administrators. It may be scary but they will help you out kindly. They know what its like too. Keep up in your classes and you’ll have a great high school experience!

Students have opportunities to get involved in many activities and sports. Getting involved in organizations and sports helps make sure students don’t miss out on the fun to be had at the high school. Students can literally make hundreds of new friends during the school year.

Mr. Baker repurposes a quote from Yoda to apply to homework: “Do or do not. There is no try.” This advice applies not only to homework but also high school in general.
These quotes and tips from seniors who have learned the lessons and experienced of four years of high school can help incoming freshmen. If you have any questions or concerns, you can always count on the seniors!