Everybody needs good friends in life. Finding friends can be hard, but once you a good one you’re set for life! Friends bring the best out of you and make you laugh.
Friends can and will impact your mental health. They can make hard things that your going through seem simple. Research shows that friendships, especially high-quality ones that provide social support and companionship, significantly predict well-being and can protect against mental health issues such as depression and anxiety.
Having friends takes effort. Friendship is a 50/50 relationship between people who have to meet each other half way.
Hanging out with your friends should be something you look forward to. Friends accept you for who you are and appreciate your awesome personality! It doesn’t matter how the friendship looks, it is about the way it feels and how it makes you feel.
Friends often see to come into your life for a reason, especially during times of trial, to cheer you up when you have fallen down, give you someone to talk to, and to bring laugher into your life.