Extracurricular activities are a main part of many schools, especially ours. Many students at SVHS participate in activities such as dance, basketball, football, drama, band, NHS, etc. All of these are great ways to make new friends and be engaged in the Braves Community.
We are all better able to display our school spirit when participating in school activities. That is why teachers, administrators, and parents constantly encourage us to join a club, do a sport, or just be involved in school.
You may not know yet what you would be interested in, but don’t be afraid to put yourself out there and explore new things, it will help you feel more involved and boost your school spirit and maybe even those around you.
One extracurricular that is important to our school is NHS. Through this organization, students throughout the school can serve the community. Ms. Stauffer, one of the teachers in charge of NHS, shared her insight into how NHS helps contribute to Brave Spirit. She said, “NHS students become a face of the school in the community when they’re asked to serve in different capacities. They show not only the spirit of academics that we value at Star Valley High School but also exemplify good character, leadership, and service.” All of these characteristics help boost Brave Spirit by representing the standards we share as Braves.
The most popular and visible extracurriculars are sports. Being a part of a team helps athletes come together to support their school. Assistant Principal Mr. Frazier said, “Being involved in extracurriculars ties you to something bigger than just yourself. It ties you to a team which then ties you to the school. Being tied to all of those things then boosts the spirit everybody has to support one another and be a part of something bigger than yourself.”
Students who participate in activities outside of class have the opportunity to feel more pride for their school, and that makes SVHS a better place.