Three murals currently adorn the halls for student enjoyment: a big SVHS with mountains and the iconic Afton star inside of the letters located in the hall across from the history hallway, a painting of the earth with kids building and learning in the library rotunda created in 2019, and the most recent one of a bird in a field of Indian paintbrush by the English wing done by senior Emily Call.
Students love the new mural by Call. “I think that the design and its geometrical nature is very interesting to look at. It seems to have a labyrinth of meaning and should inspire loquaciousness in anyone who might look at it,” said sophomore Emma Moreton.
Art teacher Mr. Guild said, “Doing a mural that size takes a huge commitment and has to be super planned out, and you have to have people who will commit and are willing to put in the time it takes to paint it.”
The rotunda mural of the earth pays tribute to Ryder Haderlie, a student who passed away the year it was painted. Haderlie is the student on the left side running in with the wood.
It’s very likely that more murals will be added to the school in upcoming years with each one given lots of time, money, thought, and effort and showing meaning in their message to SVHS.