Fear Factory has been a known band in the Industrial Genre since 1992 since their debut almum Soul of a New Machine. However, Fear Factory’s Demanufacture is what made the band, bringing popularity to the new genre. This album is nothing but heavy with its instruments and tone that recreate their industrial sound.
The band consists of Burton C. Bell on lead vocals, Dino Cazares on lead guitar, Raymond Herrera on drums, and Christian Olde Wolbers on Bass. These extremely talented musicians produce the full effect of heaviness and rhythm together. The way Bell screams harmonically gives that industrial effect combined with Cazares’ heavy riffs. RHerrera and Wolbers drive a solid tempo and menacing beat in the rhythm section.
The album consists of 11 heavy songs with multiple themes of humanity’s relationship with technology, leading to a possible apocalypse. All the songs sound different but keep the same tone within the album. Songs like “Self-Bias Regulator” and “Replica” have a heavy yet melodic chorus, while other songs like “Demanufacture” and “New Breed” are heavy and keep the same time throughout. Some songs like “Dog Day Sunrise” and “Therapy for Pain” go outside their main music to create slower songs that still pack a punch.
What makes Fear Factory different from other bands in the genre is the pure heaviness that they bring in composing their music. The mixing of the music is beyond incredible with the instruments within and without usual metal music. This makes Fear Factory hard to copy since they put in so much work and preciseness into each song they produce. Their sound is very distinct and distinguishes them from other bands.
Demanufacture by Fear Factory is not an album to be forgotten in the Industrial Metal genre. It literally helped build the genre. Its distinct sound and mixing is enough reason to appreciate the band by itself, not to mention the incredible talents each member who keep the rhythm and tone mixed perfectly throughout their songs.
Fear Factory is a force to be reckoned with in the music industry as one of the heaviest bands in the genre.