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The student news site of Star Valley High School

Mountain Star

The student news site of Star Valley High School

Mountain Star

Students Name Alternate Origin Countries

If you could be from another country, what country would you be from and why?
If you could be from another country, what country would you be from and why?
“I would definitely choose Japan because of the different culture and religion in the area. The people are extremely respectful and dedicated to whatever they do, and the country is super beautiful and full of history” -Parker Harris
Japan - United States Department of State
“I would probably choose France because of the food” -Dylan Shumway
Guide for Expats Living in France
“I’d say somewhere like Costa Rica because it’s tropical, and it would kinda be sick to live there” -Hayden Morgan
Vacation in Costa Rica: Explore Central America
“I would say Mexico because it’s cheaper and the weather is good”– Grant Buchanan
Top 10 Things to Do in Mexico City
“Australia 100%. Cool accent is pretty much the only reason”-Clayton Veige
lAustralia Is the Best Country to Move After the Pandemic
“I would be from Spain because everyone is pretty from Spain hahaha ”-Sadie Hulse
Spain: History, Culture, Traditions, Tourism, Food & Drinks
“I think I would like to be from Ireland because of the cool accent ”-Cara Andrews
17 photographs that prove Ireland is the most beautiful country on Earth
“Ummm, I would want to be from England because it’s kinda like the US except for cooler buildings and awesome accents”– Allie Jack
31 of England's most beautiful places to visit | CNN
“I think maybe like Fiji or Australia, because both are just super warm, and seems like they would be so cool to live in with all the different things there!”-Saylor Herd
Figi | Stef Smith's English 15 Blog Figi |
“I would choose Italy because they have good pasta and food, and it would be funny”-Emma Almanza
Italy - United States Department of State
“Probably Norway because it has pretty good skiing and mountain bike trails, and you can also surf, all in the same day”-Ryker McCormick
Norway | Facts, Points of Interest, Geography, & History | Britannica
“I would be from Peru just because I want to visit the Andes mountains someday”– Mr. Draney
Top 10 foods to try in Peru | Good Food
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