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The student news site of Star Valley High School

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The student news site of Star Valley High School

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Movies to see this Summer

Movies to see this Summer

With summer approaching fast, we’re all wondering what to do this summer. Whether wondering about a family vacation, job or just simply what you’re going to do with yourself, look no further because this list is going to show you what movies are coming out this summer, so you can start planning and keep an eye on new updates.

    First up on the list, we have The Garfield Movie for all the cat lovers out there. In this adaptation of the famous lasagna-loving cat, Garfield encounters his long lost father, the ragged alley cat Vic, and he and his loyal sidekick Odie are now forced to leave their perfect, pampered lives to help Vic on a risky heist. Starring Chris Pratt as the voice of the Monday-hating cat, this movie would be perfect for a family movie night. Sophomore Taggart Ivie said, “I’m excited to see how Chris Pratt portrays Garfield.” And what better time than the last weekend in May and the end of school to enjoy this movie?

    Next up in the animation department, we have Inside Out 2. The sequel to the popular film that came out almost ten years ago, fans are excited and also questioning the film a little bit. This story follows Riley as she goes through her teenage years and encounters new emotions along the way. Sophomore Kayli Staley said, “I’m excited for Inside Out 2 because I’ve watched the trailers and it looks very fun, and I’m excited to see her grow up more.” Keep an eye out for this movie that will be coming out on June 14. 

 Next up we have the fourth installment in the Despicable Me franchise. Gru and Lucy welcome a new member of the family, Gru Jr., whose main goal at the moment is tormenting his dad. The family has a new nemesis, new adventure, and minions who have superpowers. Sophomore Jaden Edwards said, “I’m looking forward to the new characters and the new plot that will add to the story.” If you’re looking for a cute movie to watch with your younger siblings or your family, then this is the film for you. It hits theaters on July 3.

     Taking a step out of the world of animation, Deadpool and Wolverine comes out this summer on July 26. In this movie, we have our favorite X-men and our favorite loud mouth, teaming up to defeat a common enemy. With Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman returning to their famous roles, there is no doubt that this movie is going to make an impact. Sophomore Kimber Atkin said, “I’m excited about this movie because it’s the genre of movie that I like. I think it’ll be interesting to see how these two character’s dynamics interact.”

And there you have it, a list of movies to keep an eye out for this summer. Now, this is only a short list of the movies coming out. A surprising number of horror films will also come out this summer that will no doubt not be school appropriate. But hopefully this gives you an idea of what to look forward to watching this summer.     

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