The student news site of Star Valley High School

Mountain Star

The student news site of Star Valley High School

Mountain Star

The student news site of Star Valley High School

Mountain Star

Students Earn Extra Lunch Time in May

LUNCH TIME: Students have enjoyed ten extra minutes of lunch in May thanks do their high achievement on spring standardized testing.


School administration gave students 10 extra minutes for lunch in May because students did really well on their state and national testing. No one complained.

“I am SO appreciative of the extra 10 minutes that we received for our testing scores! I know that me as well as the rest of the student body have been trying to get a longer lunch for a little bit now and I know most if not all are very grateful. I know it also helped encourage kids to try on their testing, and it clearly worked pretty well! I know it helped me a lot!”said sophomore Aliya Peavler.

Students worked hard and achieved in math, science, and English. “The reason we offered the incentive for a longer lunch was mostly because we felt that this was something they would work harder for. We talked to the student council about things like ice cream, pizza, and/or games and they were overwhelmingly in favor of a longer lunch.   We are proud of the effort our students gave towards the WyTopp and ACT tests,” said Principal Haderlie.

Success comes from hard work and effort. “I feel like the few extra minutes are worth how hard we worked; lunch feels way longer now. I really tried on the reading and it seems like a fair prize,”said freshman Alyssa Spencer.

Longer lunch is a small reward for big achievement. “The 10 extra minutes allows me to go to the driving range and work on whatever club I need to hit better,”-said junior AJ Hale.

Whatever students are doing with their extra time, they are making the most of every minute and enjoying every second of it.

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