Whether you are a student, teacher, parent, or community member, you may wonder how effective SVHS is in educating and preparing its students for the future. This is a problematic question to answer because many factors affect a school's effectives and even more factors affect measures of that effectiveness,...

From February 28 to March 2, the speech and debate team traveled to Riverton to compete at regionals, their final tournament before the state competition. Speech and debate offer students the opportunity to compete in a variety of events, allowing...

The Braves faced several familiar opponents during regionals last Thursday through Saturday, March 6-8. The boys started strong with a decisive win against the Green River Wolves in the first round. Will Linford reflected on the matchup, saying, "We...

Whether you are a student, teacher, parent, or community member, you may wonder how effective SVHS is in educating and preparing its students...

Hello Dewie! On March 20-21, senior Dewie Collard will bring the character of Dolly to life on the auditorium stage in the school's spring musical...

Dragging herself out of bed she thinks its just an hour and she will be on the bus where she slips into her own world. Cold air whips her...

S Tier Fleetwood Mac - Metallica - Black Sabbath - Foo Fighters - Tool - Red Hot Chilli Peppers - Soundgarden - Alice in Chains - Stone Temple...